Master lock combo lookup
Master lock combo lookup

master lock combo lookup master lock combo lookup

You should look to roam if you're hard losing lane you've just recalled and bought Boots or Mobility Boots your wave is completely pushed in or frozen if you have lane prio and your jungler wants to invade the enemy jungle if enemy mid is overextended and it looks good to roam gank. When to Roam: Roaming is one of the most over powered things a support can do.Try to leave the wave around the middle point as this will allow you to look for more kill windows. The reason for this is you'll find it very difficult to land hooks and find kill opportunities. Draven that you don't continuously push the wave into the tower. Controlling the Wave: It's my recommendation that if you're duo with the ideal adc pick e.g.Securing Scuttle Crab: If you have lane priority meaning that you've pushed the wave in on your opponent towards their tower you can look to help your jungler secure the rift scuttler as the enemy wont be able to contest you.Warding the river or tri-bush can help spot the enemy jungler out to avoid getting ganked. This will give you the information you need to be weary of incoming ganks within those early levels. Take notice if the enemy bot lane leashed their jungler if they didn't their jungler has most likely started from top side and will path downwards to gank you first. Tracking Enemy Jungler: Another key thing to look for in the early laning phase is tracking the enemy jungler.

#Master lock combo lookup plus#

Experience for level 2 requires the first wave of creeps plus 3 mele minions on the second wave, so be sure to save your Steel Shoulderguards stacks to execute the last 2 mele minions required to hit level 2. To keep pressure it's crucial to hit level 2 before your opposition as you hit a small power spike putting a point into Flay which can yield you a kill or burn enemy summoners if you combo Death Sentence and Flay. Applying Pressure: Once in lane its key to exert dominance by standing in bushes pressuring the enemy adc off minions making it hard to cs.Braum is a bad idea to invade as his passive can wipe your whole team. The other thing to look out for is if the enemy team has a stronger level 1 than you e.g. Things you should look for upon invading is your teams cc capability to follow up on your Death Sentence which isn't always a necessity but nice to have. Invading: Before you enter laning phase you should determine if it's a good idea to invade the enemy team as Thresh is an exceptional invader at level 1 if you put a point into his Death Sentence.

Master lock combo lookup